I am a data and policy analyst focused on housing and inequality, which I research in my role as a Senior Research Analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. On this site, you will find easy access to my projects – including my dissertation on urban sustainability in Massachusetts – and how to contact me.

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I am a Senior Research Analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, focusing on the intersection of housing and inequality. My research areas include demographic change, residential mobility, wealth distribution, energy insecurity, and homelessness. My work has been highlighted in media outlets such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, the Atlantic, and the BBC. Prior to joining Harvard, I held positions at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Smart Growth America, and the think tank Minnesota 2020. I earned my PhD in Public Administration from American University, where I also received my Master’s in Public Policy. Prior to my graduate degrees, I earned a Bachelor’s in Philosophy from Connecticut College.

Take a look at my resume or CV, or ​contact me to talk ideas, data, or publications.

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You can find me on LinkedIn for updates on my current research and a professional overview. My JCHS staff page has links to all of my blog posts and papers published by the Center. For an academic overview and access to past projects, find me on ResearchGate.

Feel free to go there or to email me directly. ​I’m happy to share papers and discuss data or ideas!

Header credits: [Home] Map of DC, LOC 87694106; [About] Edinburgh, Gary Ullah, Creative Commons; ​[Current Projects] Minneapolis, Chris Ford, Creative Commons; [Travel] Superior Hiking Trail, own image; [Contact] Ottawa, Gord McKenna, Creative Commons

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